Planet: The Drive to Protect Our Planet
Rethink Our Packaging
Rethink our packaging to reduce its environmental footprint
Integrate sustainability considerations into all new packaging designs
Began developing internal processes and policies to ensure new product packaging designs take into account environmental considerations.
Conducted a supplier survey to gather data on the sustainability packaging capabilities of our top packaging vendors. The feedback received from the survey informed our enterprise-wide packaging guidance policy.
At Zoetis, we are actively working to reduce our environmental footprint, as we know this is important to our customers, our communities and our planet. By responsibly stewarding resources, we aim to reduce the impact our product packaging has on our customers’ businesses and our planet at large.
To help support and guide our efforts, we formed a Packaging Council, a cross-functional team comprising manufacturing operations, R&D, sustainability and marketing colleagues who review packaging proposals to evaluate customer experience, sustainability, manufacturability, value and product quality. The Packaging Council is tasked with developing tools to align with industry standards for determining environmental impacts of packaging options, establishing programs and policies, and setting long-term goals. The Packaging Council is supported by an executive sponsorship team, who provides guidance on long-term initiatives and feedback from both a manufacturing and customer perspective.
In 2022, we plan to establish an enterprise-wide packaging guidance policy that will ensure the packaging of every new product takes environmental considerations into account and that the packaging of existing on-market products is reviewed for environmental impact. This will include assessing our material guidance policy, competitive and regulatory landscapes, and vendor capabilities. The policy is being developed with oversight by the Packaging Council and in partnership with business functions that will be most impacted, including commercial, manufacturing and R&D. The policy will also be informed by a supplier survey launched in 2021 to understand the sustainability programs and capabilities of our top 20 vendors.
In addition, we are focusing on building our internal knowledge base and capabilities. We onboarded a packaging sustainability engineer and invested in life cycle assessment tools to help us analyze and evaluate the environmental impact of our packaging options.
Joined the Sustainable Packaging Coalition
In 2021, Zoetis joined the Sustainable Packaging Coalition, a membership-based collaborative that uses the power of industry to make packaging more sustainable. As we take critical steps to improve the packaging systems that will benefit our customers and our environment, this coalition will help us take actionable steps by lending a collective, expert voice on sustainable packaging.
Packaging Sustainability Improvement
Reimaging packaging means decreasing our environmental footprint and increasing customer satisfaction. In 2021, we took meaningful steps across the globe – from replacing virgin materials with recycled-content materials to creating programs to divert packaging from landfills.
In Canada, we shifted to temperature-controlled trucks, resulting in more than 90% of shipments being made without styrofoam coolers. We also implemented programs to collect unused livestock medications and packaging in partnership with Health Products Stewardship Association, a not-for-profit organization that helps support the safe and effective collection of unused health products to improve pet medication packaging collection.
In the E.U., we launched Solensia and Librela, our new monoclonal antibodies to alleviate pain associated with osteoarthritis in cats and dogs, in cardboard packaging.
In New Zealand, we focused on reducing packaging waste from the biggest product we sell in that market – Teatseal/ Orbeseal, a sealant that prevents cows from getting mastitis without the use of antibiotics. To reduce the waste that goes into landfills, we offer a take-back program for all Zoetis-supplied components, except for the compostable teatwipes. In 2021, the program resulted in the recycling of approximately 30%, or 1.6 million, of the Teatseal/ Orbeseal tubes used. Some of the tubes were recycled into fence posts, which are used on farms.
In Australia, we replaced plastic sleeves made from virgin materials with ones made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic for Dectomax-V, our injectable parasitic used for cattle.
In the U.S., we introduced new sustainable packaging for Clavamox Chewable. Customer feedback led to a new design that considered reducing waste of cardboard: 30% of customers were not using all of the dispensing envelopes used in legacy packaging. The new “roll out” design allows for easier access to treatment, more shelf space and a reduction in cardboard and carbon emissions. In addition, dispensing envelopes were upgraded to a 100% recyclable film.